Just a Chick Along For the Ride

"THE BIG MEANINGLESS QUEST" Homepage Copyright 2005.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The National Novel Writing Month Project Hath Begun-eth!

Check back to this space on or around November 1st, as I will begin posting the first few words of my new novel, tentatively titled:


The story will follow the adventures of Shylah, a woman in her 20s who lives in a fantasy land somewhere relatively far away. An evil has taken over the land, and the forces of good are rising up from all over the world to attempt to overthrown the Big Evil Thing. That means there are a lot of magicians, knights, swordsmen, strange creatures, gypsies, horses and enchanted beings out and about, winding their way trhough the land on a mission to Stop Evil!

Shylah isn't really interested. In fact, she doesn't even know the name or any real details about the Evil. She's just into growing weeds and selling her tobacco products, and hoping to hook up with a guy friend of hers if he can ever get sober enough to notice her. When the caravan of Good Forces comes through her town, her sales go up, and her hut gets destroyed by the crowds. Her guy friend decides he is going to join the Good Forces to set out on a mission to destroy the Evil, and since her hut has been destroyed and she sees a chance to increase her sales while on the road, Shylah packs up and decides to go along for the ride.

But where are they all going? Who is really in charge of this quest? Is the Evil a Man, a creature, a ghost... or just an elaborate hoax? No one seems to know. But Shylah's taking it one day at a time, enjoying getting the Good Forces high and making them laugh, until she gets kicked off of the quest and is told to go home.

Shylah leaves but finds herself drawn back to the group for a few reasons... the only problem is, getting back to the Huge Caravan of Good Forces is easier said than accomplished in a land dripping with mysterious and nebulous Evil. Will Shylah make it back to her friends ...and will her sales suffer if Evil takes over the land?


Anyway, that's the synopsis. I hope you'll like it! I know I will-- I dreamed it about 2 years ago and have been perculating the story ever since. Yet, I have never written down a word! Making this-- the ULTIMATE NaNoWriMo PROJECT!



  • At 5:08 AM, Blogger Dan said…


    I like the words you write about things. If this book is written with you-ish words, I will be happy and dance about with joy.


  • At 10:14 AM, Blogger Lisa Armsweat said…

    Thanks so much! I am so psyched to write this book.
    Let's all hope that it doesn't suck! :)

  • At 10:05 AM, Blogger Shylah said…

    I like your main character's name. ;)


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